H.W. Kaufman Group combines the global scale and clout of an industry leader, with the values and stability of a family-owned business. Putting people first has fueled our success for over 50 years.

H.W. Kaufman Group Underwriters represent the industry’s most talented, innovative professionals. As a member of our team, you’ll play a vital role, with ongoing opportunities for professional growth and advancement.

As a H.W. Kaufman Group, you’ll help power the growth of a highly successful and profitable business. Our Brokers thrive in a dynamic environment, with opportunities for creativity, innovation and advancement.

More Opportunities
Every winning team needs a wide range of talented, committed players. H.W. Kaufman Group thrives thanks to the best and brightest in Accounting and Finance, Sales and Marketing, Administration, Legal, IT and more.
Kaufman Institute

Our world-class learning and development center provides resources for education, leadership training, sales training and professional growth. We invest in your success through three programs.
- KELP (Kaufman Emerging Leaders Program)
designed for young insurance professionals. - KAMP (Kaufman Advanced Management Program)
a prestigious 18-month program designed for distinguished leaders. - KILT (Kaufman International Leadership Training)
immersion training in the London market including specific specialty markets.